版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本
聯絡地址:Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga campus National Wine & Grape Industry Centre Building 412 (Parking Lot 55) Mambarra Drive
This app funded by Wine Australia is a National Wine and Grape Industry Centre (NWGIC) project at Charles Sturt University to analyse images of grape bunches by giving an approximation of the berry size and colour/hue. With this information, wine growers can track how the colour and the size of their grapes has progressed over time and use that information to help inform their decisions around when to harvest.
In order to estimate the grape size, we recommend you use a probe circular object which can be inserted into the grape bunch while taking a picture. This allows the app to have a real world reference point to help the app estimate the size of the grapes more accurately. All you have to do is line up the probe with the centre marker while taking a photo with the app. The app can be used without using a probe as well, though the size estimation will be approximated. An example of how the probe should be inserted into the grape bunch is shown in the example images above.
HOW TO USE WineOz SmartGrape:
1. Select the grape colour (white or red).
2. Choose either a grape bunch picture from your photos or take a picture with the camera.
3. If taking a picture, insert the probe into the grape bunch so it can be used as a reference point. If you don't want to use the probe, then this can be changed in the settings.
4. Once the image is ready, you can specify the vineyard the picture was taken in and the variety of the grape bunch.
5. You have the option to select the part of the image that you would like to analyse. This can help in preventing random background objects being falsely detected as grapes.
6. Select the type of analysis you want to do. The Analysis results are saved in a folder called "WineOzSmartGrapeResults" in csv format, and the results can be read in the Analysis results tab.
The colour of the grapes is measured from the image taken, so ensuring that the lighting is consistent is important as shade and other weather conditions can affect the colour measured in a given photo. We recommend pictures be taken in similar weather and times of day, with sunny weather being ideal.
You can view your grape analysis results by vineyard, variety and season and see how the colour and size have progressed over time in the Analysis results tab. This section displays the results over a given period of time in the form of a graph, and these results can be saved in jpg format.
If you are looking to view the app's analysis results on your Windows PC, we have an Microsoft Excel Dashboard available on our website, with instructions on how to use it provided.
If there are any questions or suggestions for new features, feel free to contact us at WineOzSmartGrape@gmail.com
NOTE: not designed for tablets